BNB Price Prediction
BNB has had an eventful 2021. To simplify the latest BNB price prediction, we have divided up the prediction by short term BNB price prediction and long term BNB price prediction. As of writing this article, BNB had a trading volume of $228 005 955. BNB has gone down by -6.54% in the past 30 days.
According to our analysis in the short term, BNB price prediction for December 2022 shows the average price of BNB at $359.27 and the highest possible price for December 2022 would be $384.42.
Further, according to our analysis in the long term, BNB price prediction for April 2023 shows the average price of BNB at $876.46 and the highest possible price for April 2023 would be $937.81.
BNB’s long term Price Prediction below is a look at BNB’s future prospect with regards to price. BNB was last seen at $273.88, with a market cap of $44 725 126 069 and trading volumes of $228 005 955. BNB’s price prediction is possible by analyzing historical price action, current developments and social sentiment from the community.
BNB price prediction 2023: BNB’s price for 2023 according to our analysis should range between $658.37 to $987.56 and the average price of BNB should be around $822.97.
BNB price prediction 2024: BNB’s price for 2024 according to our analysis should range between $829.55 to $1244.33 and the average price of BNB should be around $1036.94.
BNB price prediction 2025: BNB’s price for 2025 according to our analysis should range between $1045.23 to $1567.85 and the average price of BNB should be around $1306.54.
BNB price prediction 2026: BNB’s price for 2026 according to our analysis should range between $1316.99 to $1975.49 and the average price of BNB should be around $1646.24.
BNB price prediction 2027: BNB’s price for 2027 according to our analysis should range between $1659.41 to $2489.12 and the average price of BNB should be around $2074.27.
BNB price prediction 2028: BNB’s price for 2028 according to our analysis should range between $2090.86 to $3136.29 and the average price of BNB should be around $2613.58.
BNB price prediction 2029: BNB’s price for 2029 according to our analysis should range between $2634.48 to $3951.73 and the average price of BNB should be around $3293.11.
BNB price prediction 2030: BNB’s price for 2030 according to our analysis should range between $3319.45 to $4979.17 and the average price of BNB should be around $4149.31.
BNB price prediction 2031: BNB’s price for 2031 according to our analysis should range between $4182.51 to $6273.76 and the average price of BNB should be around $5228.13.
BNB price prediction 2032: BNB’s price for 2032 according to our analysis should range between $5269.96 to $7904.94 and the average price of BNB should be around $6587.45.
BNB price prediction 2033: BNB’s price for 2033 according to our analysis should range between $6640.15 to $9960.22 and the average price of BNB should be around $8300.19.
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